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PGS Completes 2021 Canada Acquisition and Prepares First Data

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PGS on behalf of the PGS-TGS joint venture acquired over 10 000 sq. km of 3D GeoStreamer data offshore Newfoundland and Labrador between May and September this year. Fast-track results will be delivered in December 2021 and final imaging products will be ready in Q1 2022. 

The data from this year’s program expands the footprint of the PGS-TGS joint venture offshore Newfoundland and Labrador to approximately 80 000 sq. km. The focus of our 2021 acquisition was on the Cape Anguille survey in the Orphan Basin, with strategic additional acquisition on Lewis Hills and Jeanne d’Arc,

Marine seismic acquisition on these project areas was carried out by the Ramform Atlas and Ramform Titan, in compliance with strict Covid-19 guidelines. 

We are very pleased the PGS-TGS joint venture has completed the 11th consecutive acquisition season offshore Canada. Two Ramform Titan-class vessels were active for the full season, with tailored GeoStreamer towing configurations. The new datasets expand our 3D MultiClient coverage for this region to 80 000 square kilometers and will help our clients to further de-risk prospects and plays offshore Canada,” says Rune Olav Pedersen, President & CEO of PGS. 

“We’re pleased to have completed another successful acquisition season offshore East Coast Canada – further strengthening our energy data library and position in the region. The data acquired will contribute to our client’s efforts to de-risk their investments in future bid rounds,” says Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS.

Cape Anguille

This industry prefunded 3D GeoStreamer survey responds to existing industry interest and builds on seismic surveys to create a continuous 3D coverage in the Orphan Basin. Data acquired in 2021 has been added to our continuous coverage of areas relevant for the call for bids in 2022 and 2024.

Lewis Hills Phase 2

Additional 3D coverage links the Flemish Pass and Orphan Basin, creating a continuous dataset to support ongoing exploration drilling programs. This data will be key in enhancing understanding of petroleum systems at play, and builds on Lewis Hills Phase 1 (acquired 2018) over Exploration License (EL) 1138

Jeanne d’Arc Phase 2

We are now closer to our goal of offering modern HD3D data over the entire producing area of the Jeanne d’Arc Basin. The result is perfect for new players evaluating the basin and will provide new insights to operators with significant exploration commitments in the area. JDA Phase 1 was acquired in 2019. Phase 2 data will create a more unified dataset over the basin, to further enhance understanding of the exploration potential.

Find Out More 

Contact the PGS team at to discuss these Newfoundland and Labrador 2021 acquisition projects, to arrange an early data show, or to find out more about PGS data library coverage offshore eastern Canada. 

PGS TGS JV 3D seismic programs for Canada Newfoundland and Labrador 2021
New seismic acquisitions offshore Canada Newfoundland & Labrador summer 2021  


Contact a PGS expert

Please contact a member of our Canada team for more information.