The Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X survey is part of the PGS Campos Deepwater program which covers 10 000 sq. km of open acreage outside the presalt polygon and over 3 000 sq. km dual-azimuth GeoStreamer X data inside of the presalt polygon.
This reliable data enabled PGS to nominate highly prospective open presalt acreage through the ANP block nomination mechanism. The 3D GeoStreamer X data improves the illumination and resolution of the recent Urissanê and Mairarê presalt structures, provides new data over open presalt acreage, and provides regional context for frontier exploration opportunities in the outboard Campos Basin.
PGS Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X MultiClient 3D data. Full Integrity KPSDM illustrates presalt exploration targets in the Campos Basin.
Data Library Coverage to Increase Exploration Momentum
"The outer Campos Basin remains an under-explored region due to attention given to the significant presalt discoveries in the adjoining Santos Basin. However, Campos is back in focus with encouraging announcements of hydrocarbon shows in the recent Urissanê and Mairarê wells, and anticipation of the Marolo-1 and Ubaia-1 wells to the south,” says John Cramer, PGS Area Manager for Brazil.
Integrated Marine Gravity & Magnetics Data
In addition to the new 3D GeoStreamer X seismic data, PGS acquired over 16 000 sq. km of 3D marine gravity and magnetic data as part of Campos Deepwater program. Along with processing the 3D data, PGS reprocessed publicly available marine 2D data, using each dataset to improve the resolution of the gravity/magnetic response. This integrated gravity and magnetics dataset is now available over the northern Campos Basin (~ 41 000 sq. km), providing an integrated set of geophysical products to assess the petroleum systems and hydrocarbon potential of this active exploration area.
Available Data for Upcoming Brazil Round Evaluations
• Full Integrity TTI KPSDM products (C-M-212, 279, 348, 350, 415, 417, 483, 485, 549)
• Integrated 2D/3D gravity and magnetic data for regional basin analysis
• Final GeoStreamer X products are available over the central portion of the program area.
Find Out More
For more information about our Campos Deepwater data, contact our Brazil team.