We've Got You Covered | APA 2024 Predefined Areas

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The PGS data library offers excellent coverage for new and near-field exploration in the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the North Sea. PGS rockAVO atlases for NCS support the seismic interpretation work needed for block applications.

The Ministry of Energy announced APA 2024 on 8 May 2024, encompassing the predefined areas with blocks in the Norwegian Sea, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea, with a deadline to apply set at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, 3 September 2024.

"The PGS data library is a great place to start for exploring near-field opportunities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. High-quality reliable GeoStreamer, GeoStreamer X data and broadband rejuvenation will support new discoveries in areas available in this year's round,” says Sonia Pereira, VP Sales at PGS.

Access the Data

To arrange a data show, check shapefiles, or secure access to the latest seismic survey results or rockAVO atlas materials in good time before the September deadline for APA 2024, talk to your PGS account manager, or contact europe.info@pgs.com.

These NOD maps show licensed acreage within the APA boundaries as announced on 8 May 2024. Note: the perimeters may change and the Norwegian Offshore Directorate's interactive FactMaps contain daily updated information showing the current area available for application.