The second session in our 2017 series of North Sea webinars offers new insight and reveals new opportunities in the Viking Graben and East Shetland Basin using the latest additions to the GeoStreamer® library. The webinar will give an overview of traditional play types found in the Viking Graben and East Shetland Basin and show examples of case studies done by our Reservoir Characterization group. 


The session will be highly valuable to companies currently developing opportunities on the UKCS or aiming to participate in the next phase of the licensing round.

We will showcase some of the latest datasets from our MultiClient library and display what can be achieved from a regional to field scale with GeoStreamer technology including examples from our reservoir characterization experts.

Title Presenter Date                Start              Duration       

Regional and field scale prospectivity 
including injectite potential 

Christine Roche
Reservoir Interpretation EAME               

26 Apr           12:00 BST              30 min


Learn from our Reservoir and MultiClient seismic experts during the event.
If you require any information, please do not hesitate to contact us, or call +44 193237 6201 or contact

Registration is mandatory in order to participate in this event.
Registration:  Please email us