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2022 Indonesia Petroleum Bidding Round | We’ve Got You Covered

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PGS has excellent data library coverage for evaluating South Makassar opportunities before the bid deadline of 17 November. Several prospects with direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHI) are clearly identified on this 2018 AVO-compliant 3D GeoStreamer dataset.

The South Makassar block covers the western flank of the South Makassar Basin in the Makassar Straits. It offers prime nearfield opportunities in an area with infrastructure and producing assets with tie-back options.

Multiple plays exist, such as Oligo-Miocene reefal build-ups of the Berai Formation, reworked carbonates in stratigraphic traps such as the Ruby Field, as well as the fractured basement play. The Eocene lacustrine rocks of the Tanjung Formation, penetrated by the Pangkat-1 well, are the proven source for these plays.

“Our South Makassar 3D GeoStreamer survey offers a fresh new look at the prospect potential of the South Makassar Block, for the IPBR 2022. The broadband PSDM MC3D data is immediately available for evaluation of potential in the block ahead of bid preparation,” says Chris Sim, Sales Manager at PGS.

The application window is open until 17 November. Data is available now.

Find Out More

To arrange a data show of PGS data coverage over this key block for the Indonesia Petroleum Bidding Round, please contact

3D GeoStreamer data coverage of the South Makassar block for IPBR 2022 shows plays and prospects with DHI


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