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PGS Completes First Marine Mineral Survey

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In August 2022, PGS acquired 200 km of 2D GeoStreamer data on the ATLAB-3 seafloor mineral survey near Jan Mayen Island.

PGS was part of the ATLAB-3 marine mineral survey organized by NTNU. This is the first time the ATLAB research project in the North Atlantic has included seismic data acquisition, and it used PGS’ GeoStreamer technology in 2D mode. PGS has identified marine mineral exploration as a potential market for its New Energy business, in addition to carbon storage and offshore wind.

The survey vessel, the Atlantic Guardian, deployed both a GeoStreamer and a seismic source and controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) sources and recording devices, to acquire approximately 200 line kilometers of 2D GeoStreamer data and 100 line kilometers of EM data.


The Atlantic Laboratory consortium for the acquisition of geophysical research data (ATLAB) was started as an internally funded consortium at NTNU in 2016. ATLAB’s primary aim is to research the nature, dynamics, and diversities of mid-ocean ridges and oceanic plates using state-of-the-art equipment and methodology. Previous expeditions have collected ultradeep passive Magneto Telluric (MT) and CSEM data. So far, ATLAB has acquired four datasets, two CSEM and two MT surveys, at the Mohns Ridge and Knipovich Ridge in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Results from the first survey were published in Nature in 2019 “Deep electrical imaging of the ultraslow-spreading Mohns Ridge”. The results from the northern Knipovich Ridge will be published in 2022.

In addition to the geophysical data, the ATLAB project collected various environmental data, on water currents, pressure, turbidity, conductivity, oxygen content, carbon dioxide content, methane content, environmental DNA, as well as underwater video and pictures. Cetacean observers were on board to monitor the surface, and passive acoustic monitoring was also used to identify cetaceans.

Find Out More

For details, contact:
Bård Stenberg, VP IR & Corporate Communication
Mobile: +47 992 45 235


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