More than 480 wells containing high-quality, regionally consistent well data and rock physics models are now available in rockAVO across the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea. Anything from one to several hundred wells can be licensed within the interactive modeling software, facilitating rapid and reliable assessment of hydrocarbon potential on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Key benefits
- Immediately available regional and consistent high-quality conditioned, interpreted, and modeled well data for use in APA license round work
- Seamless and fast integration of seismic and well data
- Interactive tool shortens the turnaround time for understanding and comparing well and seismic data
- Rapid screening for analogs and scenario testing of lithology, fluids, and porosity in real-time
- Access to rock property information for non-rock physics experts
rockAVO atlases provide immediate access to well data
The maps below show the rockAVO well atlases immediately available and their location relative to the awarded 2019 APA license round blocks, the 2020 APA predefined areas, and the PGS data library.
rockAVO wells in or close to the offered blocks can be integrated straight into a technical work program and/or used to understand the potential for hydrocarbon presence through an assessment of different rock and fluid scenarios and prestack seismic response.
Wells from other areas can be reliably used as analogs to potential leads and prospects. The rock physics models in these interactive atlases have been calibrated for each well and are regionally consistent to ensure assessments made at one well location translate to other similar environments.
The APA license areas in the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea are comprehensively covered with immediate access to rock property information detailing potential prospectivity in each area. This can be extremely valuable when considering future APA bids.
North Sea well database
Five separate well-data atlases are available in the North Sea comprising between 10 and 56 wells in each. Wells can be licensed as either in whole atlases or as a selection from one or several of the different available atlases.
Five separate well data atlases are available in the North Sea, comprising 10 and 56 wells each. The 2019 APA license round blocks and the 2020 APA area are also shown.
Norwegian Sea well database
In the Norwegian Sea, three atlases target different ages, Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic. Once again, either the whole atlas can be licensed, or a selection of wells from one or several of the different atlases.
- 102 wells are available over the Cretaceous interval
- 107 wells are available over the Jurassic interval
- Four wells are available over the Triassic interval
In the Norwegian Sea, three separate atlases are available targeting different ages. The 2019 APA license round blocks and the 2020 APA area are also shown.
Barents Sea well database
In the Barents Sea, 144 wells cover 17 different reservoirs. This atlas is regularly updated to include every publicly released well in the Barents Sea and making it an indispensable reference tool for companies exploring the region.
In the Barents Sea, 144 wells are available over many reservoirs. The 2019 APA license round blocks and the 2020 APA area are also shown.
Understand reservoir properties by comparing seismic and well data
rockAVO provides the user with the tool to interactively perturb a calibrated rock physics model, assess the measured seismic data and understand its AVO sensitivity to a significant number of rock, fluid, and seismic property scenarios. By comparing the modeled AVO seismic responses to the measured seismic data, rockAVO provides an optimal way to understand how seismic gathers can represent the underlying reservoir properties, such as volume of shale, porosity, and Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR). Comparisons can also be made in the post-stack domain.
By modeling AVO seismic and comparing analog well AVO signatures from across a region, this interactive tool provides answers to many questions:
- Does the seismic AVO response at my prospect match the synthetic seismic at any of the wells in the database?
- Is the seismic AVO response sensitive to fluid saturation levels or properties in a particular reservoir?
- Can a gas cap be detected seismically?
- How robust would an AVO seismic response be in situations of varying fluid, porosity, or mineralogy?
- What is the influence of clay content or diagenesis?
- What is the effect of my seismic frequency bandwidth on my reservoir modeling?
This is an example from the Barents Sea showing the rockAVO display and highlighting the ability to compare PSTM or PSDM seismic gathers to modeled AVO synthetic seismic data for different fluid scenarios.
You don’t have to be a rock physics expert to make sound assessments
rockAVO delivers the AVO response of the seismic by correlating it with well data, ensuring the reliability of any seismic mapping, reservoir modeling, and quantitative interpretation. This is achieved through rockAVO’s direct, seamless and fast integration of the seismic and well data, which provides an immediate comparison between the modeled and measured AVO response. By interactively modifying the rock, fluid, and seismic properties in real-time, rockAVO helps to understand and analyze the reasons behind possible differences between the modeled AVO seismic and the measured seismic response.
Because the rock physics models in rockAVO have already been consistently calibrated, rockAVO provides access to rock properties for non-rock physics experts. Anyone can perturb the models and observe the results in the modeled elastic logs and synthetic seismic data without having to build the rock physics model itself.
If you are looking for a faster way to make reliable license-round assessments, rockAVO’s interactivity could be the ideal solution for you. These regionally consistent conditioned and interpreted logs are available immediately offering a fast and reliable method to compare wells to seismic and assess uncertainty in the data. Our rockAVO team will be delighted to tell you more.
Contact a PGS expert
Please contact a member of our Europe team for more information.