Lately, PGS has been rejuvenating large datasets with broadband imaging to unlock exploration potential in key basins. In Europe, West Africa, North and South America, our 3D Vision products offer integrated regional coverage and exceptional image quality over areas of significant subsurface complexity in some of the most prospective global hydrocarbon basins.
PGS continuously evolves and expands PGS Vision products worldwide
What is Vision?
PGS Vision products are fully reprocessed 3D depth datasets, created by taking multiple surveys from field data and reprocessing them as a single volume. These single, seamless, high-quality broadband products are created using imaging workflows that include full-waveform inversion (FWI), reflection tomography, and advanced depth migration algorithms (RTM, LSMIG, and Beam).
Vision products provide an additional stepping stone to unlocking exploration potential, and are the next step up from our time-processed MegaSurveyPlus surveys, which are also reprocessed from field data.
Today, PGS offers a variety of merged data library products globally, from post-stack to prestack data, 2D and 3D, mixed conventional and broadband input, plus GeoStreamer-only broadband quality.
PGS Vision Products Offer Great Quality Fast
Vision allows a cost-effective multiphase approach to exploration. These regional depth screening tools cover large areas, allowing an initial assessment of areas where further focus is required. The Vision data can also be utilized to undertake this focused work. The high-quality broadband data allows detailed analysis of complex geology and prospect identification, including delineation and analysis.
Vision products are currently offered in northwest Europe, the eastern Mediterranean, Africa, the Gulf of Mexico, and South America.
PGS Vision Delivers Regional Insights
Around the world, PGS Vision products address the varied complexities of local geology and imaging challenges, supporting not only traditional hydrocarbon exploration but also looking toward the future by providing data for assessing CO2 storage projects necessary to achieve net-zero ambitions.
Vision Products for Europe
The FSB Vision targets the prolific West of Shetland exploration and production area. The broadband reprocessing of various vintage surveys produced seamless regional high-quality data, that addresses the many subsurface complexities, including shallow injectites, as well as deeper volcanic extrusions and magmatic intrusions, to provide high-resolution imaging of the prolific plays established in the West of Shetland area. The simultaneous inversion of refractions and reflection within FWI has delivered a detailed and conformable velocity model and dramatically improved the final data quality.
SNS Vision: The Southern North Sea is being developed as a key energy hub in the UK, and the region will play a major role in the energy future. There is a focus not only on CCS, hydrogen production, and wind-farm-related activity, but the SNS is also an important area for near-field exploration and improved production to reduce the carbon footprint of traditional hydrocarbon extraction. SNS Vision uses a brand-new state-of-the-art reprocessing sequence performed on very heterogeneous vintage datasets enabling clear and reliable imaging for pre- and post-salt intervals for near-field exploration and CCS site characterization. It includes traditional oil and gas deliverables and additional QI products ready for screening.
Vision in the Eastern Mediterranean
Lebanon Vision has stunning data quality, with excellent deep imaging of clastic packages below Messinian-aged evaporites. The 10 250 sq km survey is in a frontier area and contains features in the south that look to be an extension of the play that is proven in northern Israel (e.g. Karish, Tamar & Leviathan). Analog targets with Miocene-aged reservoirs in the pre-salt section are most likely to be the primary target for explorers. There are also long-lived upper Miocene channel systems delivering sediment from the north of the survey area, which are well-imaged and may represent other exploration possibilities.
Cyprus Vision covers more than 20 000 sq. km using the latest depth imaging technology to provide an improved and seamless broadband dataset covering licensed and open acreage offshore Cyprus. The reprocessing is now complete, enabling the evaluation of the petroleum potential of Lower Miocene clastic systems and Early to Middle Miocene carbonate build-ups via the presence of DHIs. Additional QI work is ongoing to further improve the understanding of the prospectivity and demonstrate the potential of open blocks in the area.
Vision Products for Africa
Congo Vision revitalizes areas with good data coverage by reprocessing data from field tapes. Using a modern processing sequence to de-ghost, attenuate multiples, and depth migrate with a newly developed regional velocity model, the reprocessed data shows a considerable uplift on the legacy data giving improved imaging in areas of complex salt. The improved structural imaging allows the demonstration of the value of the data for prestack attribute analysis. The angle stacks were pre-conditioned to enhance and maximize the AVO signal then FastTrack relative P impedance and Vp/Vs attributes were calculated to compare well data from pre-existing discoveries to determine the value of the dataset for prospect screening. Reliable AVO attributes could be derived, indicating fluid responses over existing fields as a proof of concept, demonstrating the use of the Vision product for further exploration. An extension of this dataset over Marine XIX and Marine XXX will be available in the summer of 2023.
Vision in the Gulf of Mexico
In the Gulf of Mexico, the PGS Flex Vision data rejuvenation program was created by applying new imaging technology to the "Flex Trend" area of the Gulf of Mexico, which is a prolific hydrocarbon-producing region that has been producing oil and gas for over two decades. The goal of the Flex Vision program is to reveal nearfield opportunities by unlocking new data in areas adjacent to existing discoveries. This is accomplished by using advanced imaging techniques, such as high-quality depth imaging and improved velocity control, to overcome the challenges posed by salt in the Flex Trend area.
The Flex Vision data rejuvenation program has demonstrated striking improvements in image quality, resolution, bandwidth, and geologic accuracy. The rejuvenated dataset covers 727 blocks (approximately 17 000 sq. km) over the mature Shelf and Shelf Break areas of the US Gulf of Mexico, from Vermilion in the west to Grand Isle in the east, along with northern portions of Garden Banks and Green Canyon. The data is available in high-resolution Kirchhoff and least-squares RTM products.
Vision in Brazil
The Santos Vision program has created a fully reprocessed 3D depth dataset that covers 48 906 sq. km of the presalt fairway in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, by merging multiple surveys from field data. The product is designed to satisfy the industry's demand for accurate seismic imaging of the presalt hydrocarbon plays offshore Brazil and delivers the most geologically sound dataset to date. This single, seamless merge mitigates exploration risk and provides a reliable seismic foundation to pursue new opportunities. The presalt play fairway is a focus for many companies due to the presence of proven reservoir potential within the microbiolite and coquinas formations/structures, which contain large hydrocarbon accumulations. Brazil's production from presalt continues to rise, and continuous broadband Kirchhoff/RTM/LSM PSDM data are available.
Get Visionary with PGS Vision
PGS Vision puts high-grade depth data on users’ workstations to enable greater understanding and help exploration teams achieve their goals. Like its sensory namesake, it involves the complex process of gathering, processing, and interpreting input, and enables us to better understand the world. Viewed at the right time, it can help alignment towards a common goal, and guide strategic planning. Contact us to find out more about Vision in your areas of interest and get visionary by using it to develop innovative ideas and strategies for achieving your desired outcomes.
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