  • Seismic-led exploration and characterization of carbon storage sites
    Author: Julien Oukili, Nick Lee, Martin Widmaier, Omar Baramony, Roberto Ruiz, Eric Mueller
    First Break - 2 June 2024
  • Rock Physics-Guided Seismic Survey Optimization for CO2 Injection Monitoring - Model Building
    Author: Tilman Kluever, N. Barbosa, B. Dupuy, P. Bergmo, Morten W. Pedersen, Anthony Day, P. Eliasson
    EAGE - 30 May 2024
  • Elevating 3D Ultra High Resolution Processing and Imaging for Wind Farm Site Characterisation
    Author: Luca Limonta, V. Butterworth, Bertrand Caselitz, Mathieu Lange, Julien Oukili
    EAGE - 30 May 2024
  • Opportunistic 4D Time-Lapse Using a Regional Non-Repeated 4D Monitor, an Ærfugl Case Study
    Author: Ross Milne, A. Stav, Stepan Marinets, Didier Lecerf, Sylvain De Pierrepont, Vladimir Zhelanov, Anastasiya Tantsereva, Julien Oukili
    EAGE - 30 May 2024
  • Supporting the search for large scale carbon storage sites
    Author: Nick Lee, Bill Powell, Tilman Kluver, Cyrille Reiser
    GeoExPro - 5 May 2024
  • Opportunistic 4D using a regional non-repeated 4D monitor, an Ærfugl case study
    Author: Disier Lecerf, Stepan Marinets, Sylvain de Pierrepont1, Vladimir Zhelanov, Anastasiya Tantsereva, Julien Oukili, Ross Milne, Anne Stav
    First Break - 4 March 2024
  • Adopting technology to revolutionize and accelerate the flow of seismic data from sensor to customer
    Author: Erik Ewig, John Brittan, Cerys James, John Oluf Brodersen, Sverre Olsen
    First Break - 4 February 2024
  • Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Themes from EAGE2023
    Author: Andrew Long
    Industry Insights - 11 July 2023
  • Interactive rock physics for CCS and near field exploration, a UK Southern North Sea case study
    Author: Cyrille Reiser, Roberto Ruiz
    EAGE - 29 May 2023
  • Imaging the subsurface using acoustic signals generated by a vessel
    Author: Stian Hegna
    First Break - 31 October 2022
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