Modern acquisition and processing technologies have been applied to reveal the untapped potential in a region which is characterized by shallow water and structural closures at all levels from the upper Paleozoic to the lower Cretaceous. GeoStreamer PURE Barents Sea accurately images both shallow layers and deeper targets.
- Explore the regional structure, identify leads and develop prospects
- Excellent imaging of both shallow and deep targets
- Variable size licensing to fit your project
- 17 600 sq. km of GeoStreamer 3D data
The eastern part of the Norwegian Barents Sea is a frontier territory with salt and carbonate reef structures, as well as deep Carboniferous/Devonian mini-basins. The Realgrunnen group represents an especially interesting target, particularly the Early to Middle Jurassic, where flat events correlate well with slow velocities indicating potential presence of hydrocarbons.
The Triassic sequence exhibits several levels with potentially good sandstone facies. In the Snadd and Kobbe formations where there are vast fluvial channel systems present and in the Klappmyss and Havert formations there are prograding systems where clinoforms are visible in the data. Permian carbonate reef structures or carbonate buildups are present, however, reservoir quality is high risk as there is no apparent evidence of secondary porosity processes, and the Permian is deeply buried.
The Hammerfest Basin/Loppa High has complex geology with shallow targets on the Loppa High and more conventional Jurassic targets in tilted fault blocks in the Hammerfest Basin. To address the geophysical challenges in this area a very high density survey was acquired yielding superior data quality.
Shallow water combined with both deep and shallow targets make this a tricky area to image efficiently, especially on conventional data. The GeoStreamer broadband data provides a solid foundation for our bespoke imaging workflows through the use of multisensors and wavefield separation.
Our Barents Sea PURE volumes are optimized with complete wavefield imaging (CRW), combining tomography, PGS optimized full waveform inversion (FWI) and PGS separated wavefield imaging (SWIM) to produce an excellent dataset with high-density coverage and exceptional resolution for reliable and robust amplitude analysis.
Read more about innovative acquisition and imaging methods developed speciofically for the Barents Sea in our case study.
Seismic section extending from the Finnmark Platform in the southwest into the Hammerfest Basin in the northeast.
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Please contact a member of our Europe team for more information.