

wave imagewave image
The conditioned elastic logs, petrophysical interpretation and modeled elastic logs, and synthetic seismic can be exported at any given modeled scenario as LAS and SEGY files for use in other technical work.

Data that can be licensed includes

  • rockAVO interactive software tool
  • Raw logs (LAS): a concatenated dataset of raw logs 
  • Conditioned logs (LAS): conditioned logs used as input to the petrophysical interpretation and rock physics modeling. 
  • Interpreted petrophysical logs (LAS): volumetrics (Vcl, Vsand, etc), porosity (PHIT), saturation (Sw, So, Sg) 
  • Modeled logs (LAS): Vp, Vs, density, acoustic impedance, Vp/Vs ratio, Poisson ratio logs for any desired modeled scenario. 
  • Pre- and post-stack synthetic (SEGY): pre- and post-stack synthetic for all fluid types at the well location for any desired modeled scenario.

The deliverables for each specific well depend on the exact workflow performed and original data availability.