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UK 33rd Licensing Round | We’ve Got You Covered

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The PGS data library offers significant coverage to support energy companies as the UK licensing authority invites bids for oil and gas exploration.
On Thursday 6 October, The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) announced a licensing round for the exploration of petroleum resources on 898 offshore blocks on the UK continental shelf.  The round is open for bids until early January 2023.
The PGS MultiClient data library has around 200 000 sq. km of GeoStreamer, conventional 3D seismic, including Vision and MegaSurvey Plus datasets, to cover the 898 open blocks confirmed for the UKCS 33rd Offshore Petroleum Licensing Round. These surveys provide an excellent foundation for a thorough evaluation of opportunities on the UK shelf. 

PGS data library coverage plotted against blocks on offer for the UK 33rd licensing round. In total 898 blocks are included in the round.

“PGS seismic data provides the perfect starting point to define, resolve and characterize undrilled targets and promising reservoirs for both energy security and energy transition. We invite energy companies to contact us and explore our data coverage before they evaluate the blocks released in the NSTA 33rd Offshore Licensing Round,” says Sonia Pereira, VP Sales Europe at PGS.  
To ensure the economic recovery of the UK’s oil and gas resources, NSTA holds offshore and onshore petroleum  licensing rounds. They also offer acreage for carbon storage licensing and support the drive to net zero. 
Energy security is top of the UK agenda for this round, following on from the carbon storage license round that closed last month. Once again, access to the best available data will be essential to both block application and project success. 

Access the Data

For more information or to arrange a data viewing, please contact UK Sales Manager Simon Baer.

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Please contact a member of our Europe team for more information.