PGS has rejuvenated its Santos Basin portfolio into a single, seamless, high-quality, broadband MultiClient dataset. The latest in broadband processing has been applied, ranging from data conditioning, noise, and multiple suppression, to new model-building tools and imaging algorithms.
The opening of the presalt play fairway to unitization and bid rounds made this prolific emerging basin once again an area of industry interest. Santos Vision extracts maximum fidelity from a set of seamlessly merged legacy data, reprocessed using the same technologies applied to new data acquisition in the Campos Basin, including Reverse Time Migration (RTM), Full Waveform Inversion (FWI), and Least Squares Migration (LSM).
Santos Vision provides enhanced seismic imaging in the post-salt clastic section and excellent definition of the presalt geological signature with high granularity and focus at the reservoir target level.
The workflow developed here is applicable to the greater Santos and Campos basins and PGS has future reprocessing plans for the area.