Creating The Premier Energy Data Company

PGS and TGS have merged to form a pioneering data and services company in the energy sector, serving customers across the energy value chain and positioning itself as a strategic partner for energy companies. Explore our vision. 

Seafloor Multiphysics & CSEM

PGS works with partners to provide flexible and efficient multiphysics & CSEM measurements for inspection, exploration, mapping, and monitoring.

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  • Inspecting pipelines and infrastructure - Non-contact cathodic protection inspection from ROV or AUV platforms
  • Seafloor mineral exploration – OFG has participated in 30 surveys on seafloor massive sulfide deposits, collecting acoustic, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic data
  • Site surveys and hazard mapping – Acquisition, processing, and interpretation of acoustic and magnetic site survey data, for geotechnical characterization and hazard mapping
  • Finding gas hydrates – CSEM data can detect and characterize marine gas hydrates (both a resource and a hazard)
  • Defense – OFG ship-signature characterization uses an AUV-mounted self-compensating magnetometer to determine vessel signature at sea, dramatically improving efficiency and safety.
  • Wind farms & renewables – Supporting projects from pre-planning and installation to post-construction infrastructure inspection
  • Environmental monitoring – Environmental baseline mapping, project support,​ and planning


Integrated complex sensor systems deployed from AUV, ROV, USV and surface vessels can be used to collect rich geophysical, geochemical and geotechnical datasets, for wind and renewables, oil and gas, minerals and defense projects.

Domain experts in CSEM, magnetics, electrical, and acoustic methods work with subsea operations experts and engineers to design, build and operate complex sensor systems deployed from ROV, AUV, unmanned and manned surface vehicles.

The results are rich multiphysics datasets, which OFG interprets to meet and exceed survey objectives in a safe, efficient, and environmentally sensitive fashion. 

Contact a PGS expert

If you have a question related to our Marine Acquisition services or would like to request a quotation, please get in touch.