Creating The Premier Energy Data Company

PGS and TGS have merged to form a pioneering data and services company in the energy sector, serving customers across the energy value chain and positioning itself as a strategic partner for energy companies. Explore our vision. 

The PGS Fleet

Ultra-High capacity multisensor streamer fleet for flexible 3D and 4D surveys.

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  • Predictable high quality from unmatched towing and handling capacity
  • Reliable technology on all vessels: steerable source and receiver arrays, multisensor deep-tow GeoStreamer
  • Power, safety, and flexibility 
  • Dedicated experienced crews

All our vessels are equipped with a steerable multisensor GeoStreamer, steerable source arrays, integrated acoustic and GPS positioning, and advanced barnacle mitigation, and automated cleaning solutions.

Digitalization is Transforming our Operations

Full onboard processing capabilities are augmented by accelerated processing flows using cloud-enabled offshore and onshore resources, connected by global satellite networks. Our digital factory is developing tools to link and manage all vessel data, allowing us to monitor, report and minimize CO2 and sound emissions, and optimize vessel efficiency and safety.